Tour De Dunsop

Grindleton CE Primary geared up for a fun family bike ride

Mr Malcom Scott of Grindleton Primary School teamed up with Helen Fairhurst from Love to Ride, local cycling training provider Go Velo and Ian Gibbs from I cycle to create special memories for all the pupils, parents and staff of Grindleton Primary School.

Mr Scott, a keen cyclist and member of staff at Grindleton Primary School near Clitheroe, had a gem of an idea, to hold a family fun cycling event. His idea was to become, “The Tour De Dunsop” which took place on Monday 8th July on local traffic free cycle paths in the most exquisite part of the world, which just happens to be on their doorstep!

 With the sun high in the sky and a beautiful summer breeze the “Tour De Dunsop" set off from Puddleducks Tea Room, which according to locals is the centre of Great Britain! Altogether along with staff, parents, pupils, partners and friends we were a party, or should I say peloton,  of over 50! Donna and her staff at the tearoom wholeheartedly supported the event. Donna often opens her doors to local and national cycling groups. Love to Ride provided all the encouragement needed to complete the 5-mile tour, a delicious ice-cold lolly for all pupils who completed the ride!

A local dignitary also attended the ride, Louise Edge, the Mayor of Ribble Valley, came along to hold the ribbon with her husband at the beginning the epic tour. Louise joined Ribble Valley Borough Council as member for Clayton-le-Dale and Salesbury in 2019. Like Mr Scott Louise, has a keen interest in nature and rural life and made time to support and encourage the youngsters. “I think it’s wonderful” she said watching a group of eager young cyclists at the depart “We could have the next Mark Cavendish or Victoria Pendlebury here, who knows”

Mr Scott wanted to include as many parents and children as was possible. Not having a bike wasn’t seen as a barrier, Mr Scott arranged to hire bikes, safety equipment and e-bikes for parents from local cycling partners who all have one thing in common, “a can do” attitude! “It may have been my idea but Helen Fairhurst from Love To Ride made it all possible with the hugely positive leadership of Kirsti Grayson with the awesome logistics of Go Velo. Thanks also to Ian at Clitheroe’s Icycle and Pat at Preston Leisure lakes, for the generous provision of e-bikes” and Puddleducks were so kind to stay open late for us.

Once the children had been introduced to the idea, they happily volunteered their parents to join them; some parents hadn’t been on a bike for years! Seeing the smiles from both pupils and parents was wonderful.

The school recognises cycling as a green, healthy, social and fun activity. They included various aspects in the school day. Children talked to their class about their rides and adventures. The Love to Ride data has been included in Maths lessons. In class assemblies the Love to Ride platform was used to help raise awareness of cycle safety. However, being too young to enter the Love to Ride challenges it was decided to look at a family ride to give the children a feeling of involvement.

Parent and school governor, Mrs Thomson' stated 'we are really grateful to the school for organising this wonderful event. It was a lovely afternoon, enjoyed by everyone, from the infrequent cyclists to the more confident amongst us'

Parent Mr Steve Korny admitted ‘I was not that keen to be honest, we’ve never cycled as a family but this ride was really, really good. My daughter would now like a bike for Christmas’

 Helen from Love to Ride reminded us of the positive impact riding a bike can have, seeing parents act as role models is amazing. Cycling is not only good for the environment, but also for the soul too. Bringing families together to have fun in such a healthy way is a joy to see. The event was a triumph, it would be a wonderful idea to make it a more regular event.

Everyone in Lancashire is welcome to join Love to Ride: it is a free online behaviour change platform designed to encourage and support everyone’s cycling journey from newbies to pedal pushing pros, we have something for everyone. Riding a bike isn’t just enjoyable; it enhances your health, reduces your travel costs, and helps the plant. 

These sorts of events are possible by collaborating with positive minded people and organisations. Lancashire County Council has worked in partnership with Love to Ride, Go Velo and Icycle since 2019. We will continue to support anyone who wants to start a cycling journey or progress their journey. To find out more about Love to Ride and the free cycling opportunities across the county please contact Helen Fairhurst at or register at

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