How does it feel to never have to fix a puncture ever again? Amazing.
Our revolutionary airless tires are 100% puncture-proof. Made from a multi-cell foam compound, they have no inner tube (that’s right, no inner tube). Not only do they feel like a regular tire but they are super light-weight, with low rolling-resistance, comfortable and have amazing grip in all riding conditions. A game-changer? 100%.
Choosing the correct size
No sweat, we we are here to help
Almost all tires have the size written on them. Have a look on the side of your tire to check. You are looking for two numbers with an “x” in the middle.
eg. 27.5 x 2.35
If you have a city or touring bike, there will often be the letter “C” after one of the numbers.
eg. 700 x 35C
Our new address is:
I Cycle Ltd
York Street